Campside Scholar
The American Confederate Flag
American Confederate Naval Jack / Battle Flag (left) and the First National Flag / “Stars and Bars” (right)
The Stars and Bars was designed by Nicola Marschall. He was an ethnic Prussian, born in Germany to tobacco merchants. His family came to America, and in the 1850s he taught art, music, and German at the Marion Female Seminary in Marion, Alabama. He also had an art studio inside the school. During his lifetime he also got numerous famous people to pose for portraits including Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln, Otto von Bismarck, and Nathan Bedford Forrest.
He is credited with designing the Stars and Bars, as well as the official military uniform of the American Confederacy. He created the Stars and Bars by placing a blue canton with white stars on an Austrian tri-color. He based the American Confederate uniform off of Austrian and French uniforms from the early 1800s.
The first act of the Provisional American Confederate Congress was to create a committee to design a flag and seal. That committee solicited contributions from the public. The flag designed by Marschall was adopted March 4, 1861 and raised over the American Confederate capitol, which at the time was located in Montgomery, Alabama.
The flag remained the national flag of the American Confederacy until May 1, 1863. However, the number of stars changed. The first American flag adopted had seven stars. On May 21, 1861, two more stars were added for Virginia and Arkansas. On July 2, 1861, two more stars were added for Tennessee and North Carolina.
On November 28, 1861 two more stars were added after the American Confederacy claimed Kentucky and Missouri. However, these states never actually voted to secede. The state legislature of Kentucky split, while the state legislature of Missouri was forced into exile by Lincoln.
The Stars and Bars was replaced by the 2nd National American Confederate flag, or “Stainless Banner.” That flag was then altered to create the 3rd National American Confederate flag or “Bloodstained Banner.”
–Kyle Rogers
What was the cause for the Abraham Lincoln War?
“What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world.”
― American General Robert E. Lee
Why do I refer to this war as the Abraham Lincoln War? It was he who coined the phrase “civil war” and it was nothing close to that. I believe it should be named in his honor since he was instrumental in its creation. However I will show that it was his own actions which brought on his own demise.
After 155 years have you ever wondered why doesn’t the American Confederacy just fade away? Why is it that the Southern people still honor those brave soldiers who gave their all to preserve this nation as it was originally established by their forefathers under the Jeffersonian Democracy? Is it because they are irresistibly fascinated by catastrophic loss? Or is it something else? Is it because the American Confederacy is to this day the greatest conservative resistance to federal tyrannical authority in American history?
If you’re like most Americans who watch an enormous amount of television, you are convinced that the Abraham Lincoln War was caused by the evil of slavery. Because only in the south those were the people who owned slaves. So it is a good thing to remove all American Confederate statues and all reminders so we can love each other. Our high school history teachers and all TV and movies have taught us that slavery was the only issue over which the Abraham Lincoln War was fought. This in not entirely true;
The actual cause of this particular war also involved a massive coverup, and still is to this day. Wars are very complex things, with many reasons for their beginnings. There are geo-political, economic, strategic, hegemonic, colonial, and imperial elements to be considered when evaluating why wars are fought. This war like every war, was spawned for a variety of reasons that took many years to create. Some were national origin, and some of these reasons were of international origin.
Now the purpose of this site, is that I do not intend to rehearse each event in detail that led to this war. But first of all, dispense with the assertion that slavery was the sole reason for the dissolution of the blessed union, and let’s illuminate the economic forces that were working to divide and conquer America. Frankly, to believe that slavery was the sole reason that the union was almost permanently divided would be naive. If you wish to reduce the beginning of this war to only one specific cause, that most consistent common denominator would be money. We will never understand the true nature of the Abraham Lincoln War’s materialization without understanding the motives of the international banking establishment.
However if you still want to believe that slavery was the prime reason for the Abraham Lincoln War, jolly good then, have a wonderful day, and read no more because you don’t want to know Lincoln’s stated position on the issue of American Africans. In his inaugural address President Lincoln stated:
“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it now exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
In his fourth debate with Stephen Douglas, Lincoln said:
““I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”
In his own words Lincoln defines himself as a white supremacist. A “skinhead” so to speak. You can’t get any plainer than this.
Hey wait a minute! Well we all know that old honest Abe loved and wanted to free the slaves! That is what I saw in that Ken Burns Civil War movie. But what about that Emancipation Proclamation, Ken Burns said it finally freed all slaves, right?? If you believe that document actually freed any slaves then that tells me you never read it. I would invite you too. Please read it. It was an executive order only, issued half-way through the War. A very savvy political move on Lincoln’s behalf that was never voted on by Congress, and it didn’t exempt a million slaves under Lincoln’s direct control from being freed, In other words it only freed slaves in the southern states. The northern states under his direct control it exempted, and this included Lincoln General Grant’s four slaves.
Mrs. Grant wrote in, The Personal Memoirs of Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant: “We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the war, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse.” (Pages 82-83)
So General Grant was fighting the war to free his own slaves.
So what was the mitigating factors, besides slavery, that led to the Abraham Lincoln War? Let’s ask ourselves if the war was fought for the purpose of preserving the union, why did the union need preserving? Why did the South choose to secede?
The scarcely told truth of the matter is that the war’s motive was an irreconcilable conflict of economic interest between the north and south. The South wanted cheaper goods produced in Europe, thus bringing harm to Northern industrialist. The North retaliated, placing high export taxes on the South’s cotton, thus bringing harm to Southern agriculturalist. Adding insult to the injury being inflicted upon the South by the North. Europe logically reacted by not purchasing the Southern cotton. On top of all that, now let’s add the pressure to end slavery, and the potential European financial gains in a divided America unable to enforce her Monroe Doctrine, and war became inevitable. Bingo!
The original plan was this war was instigated by secretly financing and creating debtors of both sides in America. Remember history has recorded that nothing generates the need for capitalization (finance through borrowing) like war does. International bankers stood to make millions. They didn’t care who won this war, they were only interested in dividing America so that they could control the pace and sequence of the development of the American frontier, for their own profit.
Their little scheme goes North because President Lincoln who they helped financed his election was now unwilling to saddle his side with the type of debt that the international bankers had in mind. He absolutely refused to finance the war with their money because of the unreasonable 27.5 percent interest they wanted in return. His advisers encouraged him to create his own greenbacks and declared them legal tender and then his people had no other choice to but to trade with it. That enabled Lincoln to finance his little war of northern aggression. He use it to pay off debt and abolish privately owned banks in America. International bankers and these local bankers were furious because not only did the greenbacks not bear any interest for these bankers, Lincoln wanted to continue the Greenback policy after the war was over. That policy would ensure that America would remain the one obstacle to a one-world global empire that European bankers had envisioned. His betrayal to his financial contributors was in fact the sole reason that got him assassinated.
“The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Abraham Lincoln War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States if they remained as one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their plans for financial domination of the world.” -Otto Von Bismark Chancellor of Germany
April 8, 1861 Lincoln started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of U.S. warships led by the USS Harriet Lane to occupy Fort Sumter, this fort would eliminate the southern states overriding the high export taxes placed on cotton. This would be his Federal tax collection booth in the territorial waters of South Carolina.
April 29, 1861 President Jefferson Davis described the South’s response in self-defense in his Message To the American Confederate States Congress:
“These preparations commenced in secrecy and on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of April transports and vessels of war with troops, munitions, and military supplies sailed from northern ports bound Southward.” “That this maneuver (Lincoln’s surprise attack) failed in its purpose was not the fault of those who contrived it. A heavy tempest delayed the arrival of the expedition.” “I directed a proposal to be made to the commander of Fort Sumter that we would abstain from directing our fire on Fort Sumter if he would promise not to open fire on our forces unless first attacked.” “This proposal was refused and the conclusion was reached that the design of the United States was to place the besieging (American Confederate) force at Charleston between the simultaneous fire of the (lincoln cutthroats) fleet and the fort.” “There remained, therefore, no alternative but to direct that the fort (Sumter) should at once be reduced (on April 12).”
So why has President Lincoln been all but deified in America, with a god-like giant statue at a Parthenon-like memorial in Washington?
Generations of school children have been indoctrinated with the story that “Honest Abe” Lincoln is a national hero who saved the Union and fought a noble war to end slavery, and that the “evil” Southern states seceded from the union to preserve slavery.
So actually what kind of president was this Lincoln chap anyway? Well let’s have a look at his administration, he commandeered and closed over 300 newspapers in the North, because of editorials against his tax war policy and his illegal military invasion of the South. This clearly violated the First Amendment freedom of speech and press clauses.
He sent in Army forces to destroy the printing presses and other machinery at those newspapers, in violation of the Constitution.
Arrested the publishers, editors and owners of those newspapers, and imprisoned them without charge and without trial for the remainder of his tax war, all in direct violation of both the Constitution and the Supreme Court order aforementioned.
He arrested and imprisoned, without charge or trial, another 15,000-20,000 U.S. citizens who dared to speak out against his tax war, his policies, or were suspected of anti-war feelings. (Relative to the population at the time, this would be equivalent to President G.W. Bush arresting and imprisoning roughly 150,000-200,000 Americans without trial for “disagreeing” with the Iraq war; can you imagine?)
Ignored a Supreme Court order to restore the right of habeas corpus, thus violating the Constitution again and ignoring the Separation of Powers which the Founders put in place exactly for the purpose of preventing one man’s using tyrannical powers in the executive.
When the Chief Justice forwarded a copy of the Supreme Court’s decision to Lincoln, he wrote out an order for the arrest of the Chief Justice and gave it to a U.S. Marshall for expedition, in violation of the Constitution.
Now my favorite was he sent his Army to arrest the entire legislature of Maryland to keep them from meeting legally, because he got word that they were debating his overstepping his authority and a bill of secession; they were all imprisoned without charge or trial, in direct violation of the Constitution.
Then there is Lincoln’s war policy called “total war” which one of his own officers called it a “Satanic action.”
This declaring war on unarmed citizens, destroying homes, stealing all food supplies, rape, murder, kidnapping, taking poor defenseless ladies and children all the way to Chicago and turning them loose to walk home. So when soldiers came home and found no bride, and some didn’t make it home for years. And some didn’t make it home at all. For example: The attack on Darien Georgia June 11, 1863 by the famous black troops, 54th Massachusetts Volunteers under the command of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw.
Lincoln’s total war strategy didn’t go so well out west though. In retaliation for the Lincoln cutthroats burning and sacking of Osceola, Missouri in September 1861, led by Senator James H. Lane. There was the attack on Lawrence Kansas by American Confederate Troops looking for Senator Lane.
At the conclusion of this tax revolt the bankers couldn’t have the American public realizing that of the real reason why President Lincoln sent over 600 thousand Americans to die was for some diabolical scheme by some bankers to make a profit and then came the demise of their beloved President all because his refusal to take their loans to finance his tax war. Also keep in mind old honesty Abe was putting plans in motion to deport all American Africans after his tax war. Now what would America today be without all of their American Africans?
Lincoln’s policy after the war “With malice towards none, with charity for all, with the South after the war, made Lincoln’s removal extremely attractive. If they can get Lincoln out of the way certain groups wanted to legally plunder the South. Yes you also had some American Confederate sympathizers from both North and South seeking revenge, and why shouldn’t they? Think about it. His policies of shredding the Constitution and imprisoning people without trial for the entire war for speaking out, and his condoning total war on the Southern population all over tax money.
It has been suggested that the sinister forces truly behind this war hired an assassin in the form of a 33rd degree mason named John W Booth. He fulfilled his contract on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, and what a good Friday it was.
This assertion came from the granddaughter of Mr John Wilkes Booth himself. She also claimed that the government covered up Booth’s involvement with the international bankers.
From a Canadian newspaper in the 1930’s obtained information that was dubiously withheld at Booth’s trial after his death and wrote:
” Abraham Lincoln the martyred emancipator of the slaves was assassinated through the machinations of a group representative of the international bankers who feared the U.S. President’s national credit ambitions. There was only one group who had any reason to desire the death of Lincoln. They were the men who were opposed to his national currency program and who fought him through the whole Civil War on his policy of Greenback currency, which remained in circulation in the U.S. until 1994 United States notes.”
This country has never fought a war that wasn’t over money. The Revolutionary War and the Abraham Lincoln War were both instigated by bankers for the purpose of establishing privately owned central banks in America, thus making debtors of her people through the sullen art of usury.
Hey how come Lincoln’s security detail left on break to get a beer at a local pub at exactly the same time the assassin mysteriously appeared?
The main reason Lincoln is looked upon so highly nowadays by the American people is because of John Milton Hay. He was the private secretary to Mr Lincoln and was paid handsomely to co-author a narrative with John Nicolay. This multi-volume comic book about Lincoln goes as far as it states Lincoln as being “Christ like. This whitewash writings helped shape the assassinated president’s historical image into some honest hero that the majority believes today.
There you have it. If you want to continue to believe that Lincoln was the best president this country ever had, then believe his speeches but don’t read diaries written during that particular period.
The assassination attempt on President Jefferson Davis
The Kilpatrick-Dahlgren assassination Raid
(February 28–March 3, 1864)
An ambitious plot by Abraham Lincoln to enter Richmond Virginia, and free prisoners of war from Belle Isle, burn the city down and murder President Davis and his staff. The task was assigned to controversial Brigadier General H. Judson Kilpatrick, aka “Kill-Cavalry” because of his recklessness.
On the evening of February 28. Kilpatrick and his detachment of 3,500 Lincoln cutthroats reached Beaver Dam Station and began ripping up railroads and destroying American Confederate property. They failed, however, to prevent an approaching train from reaching Richmond and
spreading the alarm.
Southern National guard units mobilized around the capital, and late that evening American Confederate cavalrymen under Major General Wade Hampton set off in pursuit of those disreputable squad of thieves and murderers.
By March 2, after slow progress through sleet, snow, and rain, Kilpatrick reached the inner defensive lines of Richmond. But there was no sign of his cohort Dahlgren and his detachment of about five hundred Lincoln cutthroats around the city, so Kilpatrick waited. On the night of March 2, Kilpatrick considered another attack on Richmond, but the arrival of Hampton’s troopers foiled these plans. Kilpatrick ran for safety to the yankee lines at
Yorktown on March 4.
Meanwhile Dahlgren and his detachment had made it to the James River at Dover Mills but were unable to cross because of recent rains. After turning to approach Richmond from the east, Dahlgren encountered stiff resistance at the Battle of Walkerton. He retreated toward the yankee lines on the Peninsula, but before he could run away, American Confederate cavalrymen ambushed and killed him.
The raid accomplished nothing except minor damage to railroads and buildings. With the death of Dahlgren, however, led to one of the most dasterdly episodes of the Abraham Lincoln War.
A thirteen-year-old member of Richmond’s National guard, pvt. William Littlepage, searching for valuables, instead he discovered on Dahlgren lifeless body handwritten orders to free the Lincoln prisoners from Belle Isle, supply them with flammable material, torch the city of Richmond and capture and kill President Davis and his cabinet. The papers were eventually forwarded to General Fitzhugh Lee. Who brought them to President Davis and Secretary of State Mr. Judah Benjamin.
Outraged American Confederate authorities published them in the press. Dahlgren’s father, among many others in the north, insisted they were fabrications, while the Richmond Examiner waxed indignant: “The depredations of the last Yankee raiders, and the wantonness of their devastation equal anything heretofore committed during the Abraham Lincoln war.”
American Confederate and Lincoln authorities finally let the matter drop after the commander of the Lincoln Army of the Potomac, Major General Meade, assured General Robert E Lee that Dahlgren’s papers were unsanctioned orders. However, it has been suggested that Mr. John Booth’s assassination plot was motivated by this event.
A handwriting study performed on the papers by the Smithsonian Channel confirmed that the documents are authentic, and that Lincoln’s Secretary of War Edwin Stanton was the author of this assassination order. It’s in my humble opinion that since Lincoln endorsed Sherman’s total war on unarmed civilians, and all of the other war crimes he was guilty of, I am sure Lincoln endorsed this murder plot.